Richard WeisProject Manager

    “Jack-of-all-Trades” might be a more accurate job title for Richard Weis. With a wide-ranging skill set and a flexible mind set, on any given day Richard can be found writing, developing an Infusionsoft campaign, or troubleshooting a piece of code. Or fixing a doorknob or installing a thermostat. His interests and abilities make him an invaluable asset to our team.

    With degrees in English and education from UMass, and after careers in small business management, elementary education, and non-profit administration, Richard says he has come full-circle to his childhood love of “messing around with computers”. He may put it that way, but we know that what he’s really doing all day is serving clients’ needs and finding solutions to problems. And that’s a great thing for us, for him, and for you.

    When he’s not in the office, Richard can be found hanging out with his three daughters, working on his house, or riding his bicycle.

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